Friday, October 30, 2009

Workout One-Day Week in review - Week 5

Oops!! This workout week (and by week, I mean "Monday") brought to you by the Bay Bridge FAIL. I worked out on Monday. It was actually pretty good. I managed consistent 30-second sprints, I did some complicated kettle-bell lifting, I may have completed an actual push-up (I sort of blacked out, so I'm not sure, but I was still in plank position and my arms were wobbling when I came to, so I think I did it), I gave the old abs a good once-over and I felt sweaty and inspired coming away. Then the Bay Bridge CRUMBLED INTO THE BAY on Tuesday, Well, not really, but my confidence level is such that I feel it's only a matter of time. Fear of dying while going to workout (oh, the irony! And no makeup and yoga pants? Not the final look anyone would choose for oneself I'm sure) aside, the Bay Bridge has yet to reopen. This means that I have not worked out since Monday. Now, sure, all you sensible people are saying "But, you could work out in the city! There's a gym about 75 paces from your front door. A gym you've been a dues paying member of for nigh on 7 years now! Just work out there! Just walk home from work even! That's a 4 mile hike. Lots of it uphill!! Do it!" And to all you sensible people, I say SHUT IT! My workout regimen now consists of boot camp and feeling bad about not going to bootcamp when I skip it. That is all I can handle, people.

So, effectively this week was a total bust workout-wise. Here is a partial list of things I did get accomplished though:
  • Took Miss Corolla to the mechanic and had her interior door handles fixed. Both the driver and passenger side door handles broke off. About a year ago now. And let me tell you, just getting in the car and opening the door with a handle instead of the complicated hand-out-the-window routine is a JOY. A sheer joy, people. I also fixed her brake lights, which "I swear, officer, I had no idea they were out! Or that license plate light! Who knew?"
    I don't know why, but doing something like taking my car in seems the very epitome of grown-up responsibility to me. I get the same feeling from buying stamps and having them on hand when somebody needs one.
  • Made it through those two Netflix movies we've had sitting there since 08/04/09.
    Boy, that "Man on Wire" was a nailbiter, huh? I mean, even though the guy was sitting there narrating, so you know he didn't plunge to his death or or anything, it was crazy tense. And what a character. Totally "bat-sheet-crazee" as the French would say, but tres entertaining. And, by the way, does he have family money? How was this 20-something guy flying all over the world with his tightrope and entourage? Good flick.
    "25th Hour", a Spike Lee joint was meh. Good to see A-Paq with dark hair again, but really more of a mood piece than anything else. I was hoping for a little more resolution. And isn't Philip Seymour Hoffman just so greasy in everything? Yes, great thespian and all that, but he just looks like he always has halitosis and a proclivity to touch himself inappropriately mid-sentence. Also, Ed Norton.
  • Finally left Etsy feedback on my recently received item.
    My first Etsy purchase was fraught with drama. The package didn't initially arrive, and the tracking said it made it to NY and then it disappeared. Then the seller was mid-move, so I emailed and didn't get an immediate response and figured I'd just been ROBBED BY THE INTERNETZ. Of course, everything worked out in the end and I absolutely love my little bird necklace. Her shop is temporarily closed, but please do go check out Joanna Rutter's work here for major cuteness if you're going through a big avian love affair like I am. A+++, will do business again.
  • Bathed my dog and bought all manner of pet supplies at the pet-store, including Advantage, which, holy shit, you want $65 for?
    Leland does not like getting a bath. He stands there and shivers, all while looking up at you in a very resigned manner and with a face that says "Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you!". It's heartbreaking.  Then the head to tail shaking for 30 minutes thereafter is quite the production too. So, that's actually an accomplishment when we get him clean. Who knew he had a pink belly?
  • Organized and made reservations for a group of us to attend this.
    Now, sure, making restaurant reservations is not that complicated but let me tell you, I had to first get everyone to agree to a plan, commit to a time, and actually follow through on going. Then it was sold out, so I ended up on the wait list, and had to call twice to get in. I'm exhausted and I haven't even had to get all Top Chef on anything yet.
Now, here is a partial list of things other people did that make my list (and yours) look completely ridiculous and made me sad:
  • Obama salutes fallen soldiers
    Look, I understand this was just a gesture. A small one at that, but one of the things that truly resonated with me about Obama on the campaign trail was I really felt that he never portrayed himself as having all the answers. I liked how he held us all responsible for the State of America in his inaugural speech, and didn't make it seem like he knew how to change everything. At the end of the day, this was 18 families (out of thousands more, I know) that will not have their loved ones with them for Thanksgiving, for another Christmas, and I've got to imagine that at least one of those families is wondering what it was all for. To have the President acknowledge their loss and salute those soldiers in the pre-dawn whipping wind hopefully lends an air of dignity to their sacrifice and lets their loved ones know they mattered. That they still mater. To hear the President acknowledge that this affects his thoughts about sending 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan makes me feel heartened that we're seeing a real person who doesn't always know the right way to proceed, but will pause and consider before moving forward.
  • A 15 year old speaks up and grows up faster than she should have to
    The utter tragedy of the Richmond High gang rape has been covered by many people far more eloquently than I ever could, but hearing school officials say things like "We'll redouble our efforts to ensure that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated." and hearing the Aunt of one of the suspects say "There is no way in hell I will see my nephew blamed in this because he is black." is just so indescribably wrong that it leaves me reeling. Seeing the 15 year old friend of the victim slam the school districtin the video above like she did hopefully means that the community is rallying around  starting a groundswell to eradicate crimes like this in Richmond, and everywhere else.
They're now saying the bridge will be closed over the weekend, so we'll see how next week goes. Until then, Happy Halloween!!

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